Sea Lilies and Feather Stars: Crinoidea
West Atlantic Stalked Crinoid (endoxocrinus Parrae): Species Accounts
Physical characteristics: West Atlantic stalked crinoids (CRY-noyds) are sea lilies with a stalk less than 3.3 feet (1 meter) long. Each arm has eight branches. Hairlike fibers on a curved stalk anchor the lilies to the material on which they live.
Geographic range: West Atlantic stalked crinoids live in the Atlantic Ocean near Florida, the Bahamas, and Cuba.
Habitat: West Atlantic stalked crinoids live in water 500 to 3,200 feet (150 to 975 meters) deep. They anchor themselves to hard surfaces.
West Atlantic stalked crinoids wave their arms rapidly up and down to prevent other animals and undesired particles from settling on the crown. They move from place to place by crawling over the bottom using their arms.
Diet: West Atlantic stalked crinoids eat plankton.
Behavior and reproduction: West Atlantic stalked crinoids wave their arms rapidly up and down to prevent other animals and undesired particles from settling on the crown. They move from place to place by crawling over the bottom using their arms. Scientists do not know how these sea lilies reproduce.
West Atlantic stalked crinoids and people: West Atlantic stalked crinoids have no known importance to people.
Conservation status: West Atlantic stalked crinoids are not considered threatened or endangered. ∎
Carson, Rachel. The Edge of the Sea. 1955. Reprint, Boston: Mariner, 1998.
Niesen, Thomas M. The Marine Biology Coloring Book. 2nd ed. New York: HarperResource, 2000.
Web sites:
"Class Crinoidea." Palaeos. (accessed on February 25, 2005).
Messing, Charles Garrett. "Introduction to Comatulids." Charles Messing's Comatulid Crinoid Page. (accessed on February 25, 2005).
Additional topics
- Sea Lilies and Feather Stars: Crinoidea - Orange Sea Lily (nemaster Rubiginosa): Species Accounts
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Animal Life ResourceJellyfish, Sponges, and Other Simple AnimalsSea Lilies and Feather Stars: Crinoidea - Physical Characteristics, Behavior And Reproduction, Orange Sea Lily (nemaster Rubiginosa): Species Accounts, West Atlantic Stalked Crinoid (endoxocrinus Parrae): Species Accounts - GEOGRAPHIC RANGE, HABITAT, DIET