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Acoels: Acoela

Behavior And Reproduction

Acoels move by using tiny hairlike fibers that cover the entire outside of their bodies. Acoels use sexual reproduction, although some species also use asexual reproduction by splitting in two, by breaking off part of the female's body, or by budding. Asexual (ay-SEK-shuh-wuhl) means without and sexual means with the uniting of egg and sperm for the transfer of DNA from two parents. In budding a bump develops on the animal, grows to full size, and then breaks off to live as a new individual. Acoels have no distinct reproductive organs. Eggs and sperm form directly in the middle tissue layer.

Additional topics

Animal Life ResourceJellyfish, Sponges, and Other Simple AnimalsAcoels: Acoela - Physical Characteristics, Behavior And Reproduction, No Common Name (convolutriloba Longifissura): Species Account - GEOGRAPHIC RANGE, HABITAT, DIET, ACOELS AND PEOPLE, CONSERVATION STATUS