Orthonectidans: Orthonectida
No Common Name (rhopalura Ophiocomae): Species Account
Physical characteristics: Females of Rhopalura ophiocomae (abbreviated as R. ophiocomae) reach a length of 0.01 inch (260 micrometers), males a length of 0.005 inch (130 micrometers). The division of the body is much sharper in males than in females. In females numerous eggs form a compact mass that occupies most of the body. In males the sperm mass is in the middle third of the body.
Geographic range: R. ophiocomae lives off the coasts of France, Great Britain, Italy, and Washington and California in the United States.
Habitat: R. ophiocomae lives in the reproductive and digestive tracts of dwarf brittle stars.
Diet: R. ophiocomae absorbs nutrients in the host's cells.
Behavior and reproduction: R. ophiocomae usually swims with a spiraling motion. To mate, males and females bring their reproductive openings together long enough for the transfer of sperm from the male
In Rhopalura ophiocomae, the female's numerous eggs form a compact mass that occupies most of the body.
R. ophiocomae and people: R. ophiocomae has no known importance to people.
Conservation status: R. ophiocomae is not threatened or endangered. ∎
Barnes, R. S. K., Peter Calow, and Peter Olive. The Invertebrates: A Synthesis. 3rd ed. Malden, MA: Blackwell, 2001.
Brusca, Richard C., Gary J. Brusca, and Nancy Haver. Invertebrates. 2nd ed. Sunderland, MA: Sinauer, 2002.
Additional topics
Animal Life ResourceJellyfish, Sponges, and Other Simple AnimalsOrthonectidans: Orthonectida - Physical Characteristics, Behavior And Reproduction, No Common Name (rhopalura Ophiocomae): Species Account - GEOGRAPHIC RANGE, HABITAT, DIET, ORTHONECTIDANS AND PEOPLE, CONSERVATION STATUS