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Hawaiian Honeycreepers: Drepanididae

Physical Characteristics, Behavior And Reproduction, Conservation Status, Apapane (himatione Sanguinea): Species AccountsGEOGRAPHIC RANGE, HABITAT, DIET, HAWAIIAN HONEYCREEPERS AND PEOPLE

APAPANE (Himatione sanguinea): SPECIES ACCOUNTS

Hawaiian honeycreepers are found only on the Hawaiian Islands. They are believed to have descended from a single species of cardueline finch that came to the Hawaiian Islands (it is believed) about three to four million years ago.

Most Hawaiian honeycreepers live in forests, which range from mostly dry to very wet (tropical and semi-tropical) climates. A few species live on small, treeless islets (small islands).

Hawaiian honeycreepers eat almost anything that is edible. They commonly eat nectar, insects, spiders, slugs, land snails, fruits, seeds and seed pods, tree sap, seabird eggs, and carrion (decaying animals). The flowers of the native plant Metrosideros polymorpha are especially liked by a number of nectar-eating Hawaiian honeycreepers.

Hawaiian honeycreepers pollinate (fertilize) native plants and keep the insect population under control, much to the benefit of people. They also attract tourists to Hawaii who enjoy watching the colorful birds.

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Animal Life ResourceBirds