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Finches: Fringillidae

Behavior And Reproduction

Finches are strong fliers, and able to hop and run over short distances. Some species migrate long distances to warmer climates, while others wander constantly in search for food. Finches are mostly quiet birds, but do have short, sharp calls that are used to communicate and to warn of predators. Males use unique songs to defend a large breeding territory and to attract a mate. Because finches are spread out throughout the world, songs vary widely.

Female finches build cup-shaped nests of grasses and other plant fibers. Nests are constructed in trees, shrubs, or rocky crevices. Most species breed as a mating pair, but others form small family groups. Once the male and female bonds, they are monogamous (muh-NAH-guh-mus; one mate) for the breeding season. Females lay two to six eggs, which vary with respect to species as to color and markings. The eggs are incubated (kept warm for hatching) usually by the female, but sometimes by both parents, which also take care of young.

Additional topics

Animal Life ResourceBirdsFinches: Fringillidae - Physical Characteristics, Behavior And Reproduction, Finches And People, Chaffinch (fringilla Coelebs): Species Accounts - GEOGRAPHIC RANGE, HABITAT, DIET, CONSERVATION STATUS