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Thrushes and Chats: Turdidae


Thrushes live primarily in forests, or in cultivated areas where trees are plentiful. The habitat range of the different species can vary widely, from very specific requirements to very broad. The American robin, for instance, is very adaptable and lives in parks, forests, gardens, backyards, and in farm areas. Other species might live in high-altitude mountainsides, or areas that have been recently burned. One species, the nightingale in Europe, requires the specific habitat of dense thicket. In general, the populations of thrushes and chats are known throughout the world for their adaptable living conditions.

Additional topics

Animal Life ResourceBirdsThrushes and Chats: Turdidae - Physical Characteristics, Habitat, Diet, Behavior And Reproduction, Thrushes, Chats, And People - GEOGRAPHIC RANGE