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Hedge Sparrows: Prunellidae

Behavior And Reproduction

Accentors tend to have a very developed social system even though they are also known to be quiet and unobtrusive. Most of their activity occurs on the ground, or close to it, moving through running and hopping with small flicks of the wings and tail. When they are in flight, they exhibit rapid and undulating moves.

Female accentors tend to be exclusive. The male of some species, such as the dunnock, might set up song territories in order to compete for and monopolize females. The result can be a male with two or three females, called polygyny (puh-LIH-juh-nee), or it can be a female with two or three males, called polyandry (PAH-lee-an-dree); or several males associated with several females, known as polygamy (puh-LIH-guh-mee). Polyandry is considered to be unusual even though it does occur. In such a situation, the breeding territory would be larger than for a single male-female pairing, providing for more protection against a greater number of predators. The Himalayan accentor can breed at altitudes as high as 16,400 feet (5,000 meters) into the mountains.


The Siberian accentor has a habit of straying over to northwestern America on occasion, but primarily on the Aleutian Islands and western Alaska. This has been witnessed in the months of October through January. The subarctic forests of Siberia are the bird's usual breeding grounds.

Breeding season for accentors runs from late March to August, with variations among the species depending on location and latitude. They lay a clutch of three to six eggs that are light blue-green to blue. Two clutches are generally bred and hatched every year, with an incubation period of eleven to fifteen days, with the nestlings raised another twelve to fourteen days before they leave the nest, or become fledglings. Both male and female take care of the young together.

Additional topics

Animal Life ResourceBirdsHedge Sparrows: Prunellidae - Physical Characteristics, Behavior And Reproduction, Dunnock (prunella Modularis): Species Account - GEOGRAPHIC RANGE, HABITAT, DIET, HEDGE SPARROWS AND PEOPLE, CONSERVATION STATUS