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Larks: Alaudidae


All species of lark prefer the open, sparsely vegetated landscapes of grasslands, heaths (shrubby lands), rocky plains, and steppes, but some like more vegetation than others. For instance, the flapped lark and the woodlark rely on the presence of mixed vegetation types such as small bushes and trees for perching and grasses for building nests. Many larks use plowed fields and even wastelands in North America for their breeding grounds, while others find homes on arctic steppes, on high mountain slopes (even up to 15,100 feet [4,600 meters] in the Himalayas), or in the desert.

Additional topics

Animal Life ResourceBirdsLarks: Alaudidae - Physical Characteristics, Habitat, Diet, Behavior And Reproduction, Larks And People, Conservation Status - GEOGRAPHIC RANGE