Plantcutters: Phytotomidae
Behavior And Reproduction
Unlike the majority of vegetarian birds, whose biology demands that they conserve energy to compensate for their low-calorie diet, plantcutters are energetic and lively. They patrol their territories throughout the day, looking for new food sources and invaders.
The reproductive life of the plantcutter species remains something of a mystery to ornithologists, although we know that the females lay two to four eggs in a loosely constructed nest.
Additional topics
- Plantcutters: Phytotomidae - Peruvian Plantcutter (phytotoma Raimondii): Species Accounts
- Plantcutters: Phytotomidae - Diet
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Animal Life ResourceBirdsPlantcutters: Phytotomidae - Physical Characteristics, Diet, Behavior And Reproduction, Peruvian Plantcutter (phytotoma Raimondii): Species Accounts - GEOGRAPHIC RANGE, HABITAT, PLANTCUTTERS AND PEOPLE, CONSERVATION STATUS